I’ve been lying all day,
letting light into my room.

Jaakko Heikkilä realizes photographic art ‘beyond photography’ - citing influences from the romanticism of Caspar David Friedrich combined with an enlightened rationalism of Max Ernst and the surrealism of Salvador Dali. Yet at the same time his work defies classification. He moves us by touching wounds of people and cultures all over the world.
Andreas Vowinckel, Art Historian, Cologne, Germany
There is no other way. The way forward is a mystery. Dreams are movement. The future is in our blood. Titian knew how to paint black. A man rises out of blackness.
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Gallery prints available on request. Printed and signed on Hahnemuehle Photo Rag paper.
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Skandinavia House, New York 22.4. 2025
Skandinavia House, New York 22.4. 2025
Lecture: Human Encounters Across Cultures
Kuva: Aldeci, Itaparica, Brazil 2008

Havremagasinet, Boden Sweden
Framtid / Future, 15th anniversary exhibition
opening 31.5. 2025
Kuva, Maija in the kitchen 2003
Teemasta “Jesus Stands on the Swedish side

Finlayson Art Area
Finlayson Art Area, Tampere, Finland
”And i became Human”, opening 12.6.2025
Kuva: Schoolgirl, Njuchtja, Russia 1999

Aine Art Museum
Aine Art Museum, Tornio, Finland 40-vuotis juhlanäyttely, 40th anniversary exhibition.
“ And I Became Human” 7.3. – 30.8. 2025
Kuva: Ken, Havana, Cuba 2012

Artist talk
Taidemuseopäivät, Kukkolaforsen 13.10.2023

Artist Talk
Hanko Fotofestival 9.9. 2023